Monday, May 5, 2014

Compositing Artists

Compositing means combining more than one image to create a new one. here are some artists that use this in their work:

Peter Funch
The photo below is by Peter Funch of Times Square. It's a stunning example of composite photography, or multiple photos taken over time that have been digitally combined using masking.

Tom Mason

Jeff Liao (different areas of Queens)

Julia Fullerton-Batten does NOT actually use Photoshop to make composites for her "In Between" series (I've read), but rather uses elaborate sets and removes crash pads, strings, etc in photoshop with the clone tool. This is something one could do in Photoshop, however. If you were to attempt this, and whenever making a composite, make sure that the lighting, color temperature and shadows in both the subject and the background match.

Photographer Debbie Grossman photoshopped new faces into the historic Farm Security Administration photographs taken by Russell Lee in the 1940's in rural New Mexico. The series is called My Pie Town and explores ideas of gender, making all the inhabitants of this town female. The images are available in hi-res form via the Library of Congress, which is how she was able to do this project.

Debbie's Image:

The original image by Lee:

When it comes to news related stories or photojournalism, legally, photos cannot be altered. For example, take a look at this link of altered news images.

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